Thursday, January 29, 2009

Truth Be Told I Miss You...

The next line in the song I'm thinking of is "and truth be told I'm lying".
I wish I could honestly say that right now because it would make things so much simpler and less jumbled. Unfortunately I do miss people. Quite a few actually. 
Here, I'll make another list for you.

1. First and foremost: Katherine-Lee Carter Barrow Harrison. My eldest sister who got married and moved to Indiana with her husband Jon.
2.Consequently I also miss Jon.
3. My Bffs. I see few of them frequently.
4. I miss my friends from highschool. Mostly the ones from SHS Drama but also early morning Swim and Dive Team practices.
5. I miss certain teachers that I enjoyed hanging out with(/botherint :P) Ex. Nicholson, Leddy, Jones(x2), Bender, Kim, Ish, Foster, Gordon, Mr. Mann etc.
6. Certain, for lack of a better word, ex's.
7. My Grandma Woebke.  Love you!
8. Elementary School friends.
9. CAMP FRIENDS!! We're all real tight. I love all of them soooo much.
10. Animals that have passed away. Zeta and Jacob mostly.

WOOHOO!! yay lists... I'm pretty good at making them.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


this is Pennsylvania Dutch for dispicable fellow. 
there are many examples of this in life
and in movies/books

for example:
derek shwartz (character of which this word was directed about in the book "The Covenant")
Jasper Bloom ('The Holiday', also the embodiment of someone i know all too well lol)
Caster Troy (bad guy in "Faceoff", tries to kill John Travolta's character but is played by John Travolta... its confusing)
Rex Manning (man whore from "Empire Record", a "washed up imposter")
Mark Loring (creeper from "Juno")
Wickham (everyone should know this one, lidderlicher from "Pride and Predjudice")
John Willoghby (from "Sense and Sensibility")
Voldemort (... "Harry Potter")
Major Marchbanks ("Ruby in the Smoke" by Robert Paulson)
Baron of Lezay (tried to take over one of Elenor's castles, groped women also, "Elenor: Crown Jewel of Aquitaine")

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hard to Get

Ok, so what is it with guys and "playing hard to get" ? I've heard that bein unattainable or whatever drives guys crazy and makes them want to try harder or w/e. I'm wondering if this is true. It's a hard thing to actually try to "play hard to get" and slightly ignore someone because you want them to come to you. Like not talking to them as much or just not making as much eye contact or avoiding them ish. 
For example, John Tucker Must Die. What's up with that? Do guys in real life actually get baffled by girls who don't act interested in them at all? Because I've always thought that if one didn't act interested then the guy wouldn't try because they'd think you just don't like them at all. So where does this whole 'driving boys crazy by acting indifferent' come in?
Meh, feel free to let me know your thoughts on this one. It's an interesting study I'd say.

yeah. so I don't go into more detail I'll be done for now.
Let's leave it at it'll be an interesting experiment type thing.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My First

Well I haven't ever done one of these before but I enjoy writing to outside parties about random things in my life. I sometimes make up dumb "notes" on Facebook, but that leaves room for some critacism (though I normally preface my "notes" with if you don't like it you dont have to read it or something like that).
Making this extra site gives people no room to complain because they specifically had to get her to listen/read what I have to say.

Currently I'm a bit moody I guess you could say. And a bit lonely. Its strange to feel a bit lonely when I just got home from a 4 day trip with some best friends that I've had since preK. Its the classics: spurned affections, unrequited love, rejection, angst, irritation etc.
who knows. 
im working on it

something to brighten up this entry:

clouds at Hampshire View's youth group