Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Almost to Ireland

I haven't used this blog in quite a while, but I'm going to start again to document my trip to Ireland! I start my study abroad at NUIG (National University of Ireland, Galway) next Monday, January 2nd. I am so excited it's a little ridiculous, but I have so much to do between now and then it's a little overwhelming. I can't believe it's almost here!! I hope to keep you updated with the goings on and how I'm coping with being in a different country and all that jazz.

I leave with my best friend: Megan McCormack
She is super fantastic and this is the picture of her camp flower name: Nightshade Berry. I am so glad she's joining me for this venture in my life.

I will severely miss my wonderful friends from GCC but many of them will be abroad as well!! Bekah, Hannah, and Emily will be off in Turino, Italy and Ben will be in Florence. For those left at the Grove, come visit! and We'll all miss you even though we'll be off doing crazy things :P

Here's a picture of my dorm!! And here is the quad at NUIG :)
How exciting!!

I plan on taking TONS of pictures and I just got a new camera for Christmas so get ready for lots of awesome green pictures :P

Well that's all for now. I can't wait :)