Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 8

A Picture that makes you laugh:
This is my 2 biological sisters and my brother-in-law and I imitating a goat that we saw at Schoolhouse Earth.
His name was Leroy.

Day 7

A Picture of your most treasured item::
This symbolizes my memories. They are my most treasured item and particularly camp memories.

Day 6

A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

Pepper. She has a great life= sleep, eat, play, wagtail

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 5

A Picture of my favorite Memory
Seeing as I don't even have a 'favorite' memory and I doubt I have a picture of it, whatever it really is, I'll put up a good one just like in the last post.
This was a very good day, everything was carefree and it was super fun/great. I miss when i had no worries but that very well may be because I"m tired and it's been a long day :P

Day 4

A Picture of your favorite night:
I dont know if I truly have a 'favorite night' so I'll put up pictures of a very good night :)
This picture is actually a picture Of a picture from Capon Springs Resort in WV. It's a very large part of the Barrow side of my family. I'm the small one to the right of the middle post. It's good times.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 3

I have lots of favorite TV shows including Grey's Anatomy, Dollhouse, Firefly, The Office, and Arrested Development.
The all-time-favorite would have to be Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and by extension, the lesser Angel.)

Grey's anatomy has been a new interest of mine recently. I really like Scrubs so I decided to give Grey's a try and hey! Loved it!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 2

The four of us have known one another since probably before we can really remember. From the Nursery in Church all the way through grade school in Pioneer Girls/Forcey Elementary and Middle and then through high school in Challengers. Olivia, Rebecca and I all went to Springbrook HS and now Torch, Olivia and I all go to Grove City College.
We take semi-annual trips to the Beach in the summer and Rebecca's Cabin in the winter. We plan on doing it forever, as long as we can. We weren't always BEST friends, but I can't remember a time when I didn't think these girls were my friends. I'll have them forever. :) BFFS

Monday, February 21, 2011

30 Days to keep me occupied in school

Day 1:
1. This is Shelden and I. He's pretty cool and I really like this picture.
2. I'm currently dating a wonderful man named Mark E Magee Jr
3. I'm currently in my Micro Economics class. It is quite boring. It is also VERY repetitive.
4. Eventually I want to be a mom. But I can wait another 10 years
5. Marketing is fabulous and I would enjoy working in a corporate firm for a few years before I start making babies
6. I have an incredibly wide range of interests from hair styling to rock climbing to pottery.
7. Grove City business majors all have the same classes and I see the same kids all day...
8. I prefer Silver to Gold and like rubies (my birthstone).
9. I can't wait to go home on break on Wednesday and miss my family quite a bit.
10. This semester has been rough and I'm having difficulties focusing any time in my day, not just in class...