Monday, March 26, 2012

My Mommy Loves Me

Today I got a PACKAGE!!! Forcey (Crossroads) sent me one of their awesome care packages which I'm certain my mommy told them I was in Ireland :)

Let us point out the three things I'm absolutely positive are only in my box because of my most fantastic mother.
Cheetos. 2 bags of wonderful fake cheesey goodness that I'd just told my mom I was really really missing!! (They don't apparently make them in Ireland :( )
Second thing was Bleu Cheese. ANOTHER thing they don't make in Ireland. She knew, and put it in this awesome package.
Lastly there was a tea bag that was pomegranate raspberry. This one may not inherently be from my mom but she knows I loooove Pomegranate but ah sure we'll attribute it to her anyway.

So thank you mom!!!! I love you so much!
You're the best!


  1. WOWWW!!! Thanks, Juliann :) Looking forward to talking to you on skype (hint)! <3

  2. Unfathomable Article. Thankful to you for sharing! In reality a grand post for every one.
